Policy statement
Meadow Brook Playcare is a not-for-profit charity to support the early development for all children under 5 in our community.
It is essential that we have a balanced budget and have no outstanding debts.
Waiting list:
The number of children attending nursery is regulated to ensure that correct staff: child ratios are maintained. If there is a space on the required sessions in the room most appropriate to the child’s age and development then a place will be offered immediately, otherwise the child will be placed on a waiting list.
The waiting list is also used as a ‘pre-booking’ and to be placed on the waiting list a registration fee of £25.00 needs to be paid to secure a place on the waiting list. This registration fee is non-refundable, and is to support the induction process and stay and play sessions.
Once a parent/carer has agreed that they would like to be placed on our waiting list, a non-refundable registration fee of £25 is due to the nursery. An invoice will be issued for the registration amount and only when money is received will the child have their place confirmed on the waiting list.
An induction session and settling visits must be completed before a child can start nursery. At the induction, you will meet the Nursery Manager or Deputy Manager and your child’s Key Person and Room Supervisor. They will talk to you about the nursery your child’s individual needs, routine and likes/dislikes. Parents/carers must complete and sign our contract and parental consent forms. Settling visits will then be booked for you and your child to have some ‘stay and plays’ to support transition before their first session.
Conditions of Admission:
A non-refundable registration fee of £25.00 is due to the nursery at time of registration
A minimum of one month’s written notice, with signed acknowledgement from a member of nursery management, must be given when your child is leaving the nursery, via letter or email.
You agree to adhere to the policies and procedures in place at Meadow Brook Playcare and all items stated in this registration form.
You are aware that Meadow Brook`s opening hours are 8am-6pm Monday to Friday, with the exception of bank holidays. We are open for 50 weeks of the year closing for 1 week at Christmas and New Year and 1 week at Easter.
You acknowledge that Full fees are payable for sickness, holidays and any other absences that occur, excluding the weeks where we closed.
Our Invoices are sent out on the 1st of the month and must be paid within 4 weeks of date of invoice to which they refer, by cash, cheque or direct debit. Where a payment hasn’t been made by the 5th of the following month, a £10 charge will be incurred and added to the following month’s invoice
Any extra sessions that you require will be added to the following month’s invoice.
Continued non-payment of fees may result in us requesting that you remove your child from nursery.
Fees are reviewed annually by the Manager and Committee, we reserve the right to alter these with one months’ notice.
You understand that Meadow Brook Playcare are obliged to report any instances where we believe a child is being neglected or abused to the relevant authorities.
Meadow Brook Playcare specifically request that your child does not bring their own toys to nursery/ preschool. If they do bring toys in, Meadow Brook Playcare accept no responsibility for loss or damage to these items.
You confirm that the information that you have provided is accurate and true. You understand and agree to the terms and conditions set out in this document and authorise Meadow Brook Playcare to claim free entitlement funding on behalf of your child.
You agree that the information that you have provided can be shared with the local authority and Department for Education, who will access information from other government departments to confirm my child’s eligibility and enable the provider to claim Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) or Disability Access Fund (DAF) on behalf of my child.
A retainer fee will be charged at 20% of your weekly bill for those taking term time only. This is for those who are not entitled early education funding and those who book additional session/hours to their early education funding during term time.